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It's so trendy right now to make our own spa treatments at home. I love this idea (so long as I still get to go to the spa occasionally for extra special spoiling). To stay spoiled in between spa visits, I use my own salt scrubs. They are super quick to mix up, are incredibly less expensive than spa-purchased scrubs, and the scent variations are practically unlimited. 


2 cups coarse (or Kosher) salt

2 cups safflower (or canola) oil

10 drops essential oil *or*

1/2 cup fresh, bruised or chopped herbs


Mix the salt, safflower oil, and essential oil (or herbs) in a bowl. Store in a covered container. Use a tablespoonful of salt scrub daily to exfoliate, hydrate, and sanitize hands, feet, elbows, knees.....wherever you need the tingling, healthy treatment.




Homemade Salt Scrub

I use Morton Kosher salt. It's about $5 for a 3 - lb. box. That's enough salt for 3 recipes. 

Find essential oils at health stores, craft stores, and some grocery stores. This isn't the same scented oils used for burning in home-fragrance burners. I like Nature's Alchemy brand. Lots of scent choices.


  • Of course I store mine in canning jars. But any container with a good lid works great. This is a perfect time to use that pretty thrift store find. I once saw salt scrub in a sweet, antique tea cup, with a little jelly spoon resting on the saucer.

  • Get creative with your herb blends. Rosemary and mint pair very well, as do lemongrass and basil.

  • Did you know that salt is a sanitizer? It's been used for millenia to cleanse the skin. The Roman Gladiators even used it with olive oil to scrape their skin clean.

  • To really save $$ use regular vegetable oil. It's not fancy but it works.

  • Do NOT use baby oil or mineral oil, as they are by-products of petroleum and don't absorb into your skin and just clog pores.

  • What a fabulous gift idea. Make several batches at a time and give plenty away to friends.

  • If you have very sensitive skin, you may choose to substitute sugar for the salt. Sugar scrubs work just as well. 

  • How to not "mess up" this recipe:

    1. If you're using herbs rather than essential oils, make certain to bruise or chop them. This releases their oils and causes them to give up their aromas.

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